the wolf among us

Through the Looking Glass – Bloody Mary Variant

Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary.

Ahem, Sorry about that. I’ve wanted to combine Marmite in a drink for a while. And when KJ did a Marmite-sriracha bread, I decided to take the opportunity to make a savory cocktail to go with it. This isn’t really a bloody mary in the traditional sense since it doesn’t contain any of the same ingredients aside from the tomato juice, lemon juice and vodka. The salt and umami flavours (the soy sauce and/or worcestire sauce) are replaced by the marmite, the Tabasco and black pepper are replaced by Sriracha, and the horseradish is replaced by wasabi. But the result has all of the things one would look for in a tasty bloody mary, but with a radically different flavour.


Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary,  Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary.


Bloody Mary

50ml Vodka

10ml Lemon juice

400ml Tomato juice

50ml Bloody Mary mix (recipe below)

Combine ingredients in a tall thin glass, stir to combine. Garnish with celery stalk and lemon.

Bloody Mary Mix

1 Teaspoon Marmite

1 Teaspoon Sriracha

.5 Teaspoon Wasabi

100ml Boiling water

Stir ingredients together in a glass. Allow to cool.



Huff and Puff: Smoked Stout Cocktail

In my continuing struggle to come up with interesting cocktails I try to come up with some weird stuff. Those who have been reading for a while now know that I love beer and frankly I’d like to see it used for as a cocktail ingredient beyond your typical lager and whisky Depth Charge. Thus I present the Huff and Puff, a smokey cocktail inspired by Bigby Wolf of the Fables series.


It may look simple but its complex flavour and strong alcohol content will knock you back. I got the idea from the horrific Nicotini idea. My idea was to start with the idea of cigarette, of which Bigby consumes thousands, and try to make something smokey but tasty. The result is a mix of cold-brew lapsang souchong, a type of Chinese black tea tried over pinewood fires to get a nice smokey flavour, stout or porter, and bourbon.



25ml Bourbon

35ml Cold-brew lapsang souchong black tea. Prepare this by putting one teabag is 300ml of water and let it steep for 2 hours.

330ml Stout, higher alcohol stouts or porters work best. Try to avoid smoked porter as it will overpower the flavour. I used Summer Wine’s Padrino Imperial Affogato Stout, which is sweet and nutty with a 9% ABV.

What do you call a lumberjack wolf?

A timber wolf!