
Coyote Tango – A Pacific Rim Cocktail

Fair warning: this is the strangest cocktail I’ve ever made. The concept came from a coffee shop I frequented in London when I was interning for the BBC. Curator’s Coffee does a unique creation every so often. The month I was there they were making an espresso punch with mint and strawberries. It sounded terrible but I was proven so wrong. By pairing a fruity espresso with strawberry and mint the results were delicious and odd.

Summer Espresso Punch Photo by Curator's Coffee http://www.curatorscoffee.com/

Summer Espresso Punch Photo by Curator’s Coffee http://www.curatorscoffee.com/

I tried to recreate this with my cocktail. And the results were pretty good. The basic composition of the punch was similar to a mojito so I decided to try using rum. Captain being all I had in the house I thought I’d give it a go.


For coffee I used Pact Finca Manila prepared using a moka pot.

The result was interesting. Herbal and refreshing (both KJ and myself immediately thought Coke on the first sip) on the palate with a distinct tart bite from the strawberries and coffee.

Also, the name was just sort of thrown on here because I’m feeling excited about my Pacific Rim rewatch last week.

4 Strawberries, hulled and chopped.
100ml strong coffee prepared with 3 tspn sugar and cooled. I recommend a coffee with red berry, citrus or pomme flavour notes.
8 mint leaves
50ml spiced rum.
Soda water

Combine strawberries and mint in a mixing tin and muddle. Mix in rum and coffee and fill tin with ice. Shake well and double strain into pint glass full of ice. Top with soda water and stir slowly to combine.
