
Through the Looking Glass – Bloody Mary Variant

Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary.

Ahem, Sorry about that. I’ve wanted to combine Marmite in a drink for a while. And when KJ did a Marmite-sriracha bread, I decided to take the opportunity to make a savory cocktail to go with it. This isn’t really a bloody mary in the traditional sense since it doesn’t contain any of the same ingredients aside from the tomato juice, lemon juice and vodka. The salt and umami flavours (the soy sauce and/or worcestire sauce) are replaced by the marmite, the Tabasco and black pepper are replaced by Sriracha, and the horseradish is replaced by wasabi. But the result has all of the things one would look for in a tasty bloody mary, but with a radically different flavour.


Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary,  Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary.


Bloody Mary

50ml Vodka

10ml Lemon juice

400ml Tomato juice

50ml Bloody Mary mix (recipe below)

Combine ingredients in a tall thin glass, stir to combine. Garnish with celery stalk and lemon.

Bloody Mary Mix

1 Teaspoon Marmite

1 Teaspoon Sriracha

.5 Teaspoon Wasabi

100ml Boiling water

Stir ingredients together in a glass. Allow to cool.



The Neighborhood – Studio Ghibli Cocktail

This was a really fun cocktail to make. It was the first time I started with a theme and worked back to the ingredients. Here’s The Neighborhood, based on My Neighbor Totoro.



Despite being a milk or soymilk if you prefer, based cocktail the Neighborhood is surprisingly light, this is mostly due to the low-alcohol nature of the cocktail. It’s mostly a nutty flavour with a bit of creaminess from the milk and a small fruity aftertaste.  I’ll explain a bit about the process.

I chose a wine glass to capture the rounded shape of Totoro’s body seen below.

The trickiest part of the cocktail was recreating Totoro’s signature greyish colour. I considered a few different ingredients, from black food colouring to Kristoff Black. But I wanted to avoid artificial colours since what’s the point. I could have just coloured anything grey and then called it a day. 

I ended up choosing black sesame powder, though based on some issues that I encountered I would recommend using black sesame paste in the future or superfine black sesame powder since as you see from the picture there was a fair amount of sediment at the bottom of the cocktail.

Since in the film part of Totoro’s character is giving nuts and seeds as gifts and his whole nature collection I thought a nutty/fruity cocktail was best.



Some of the ingredients may be a bit difficult for you to get your hands on. I recommend seeing if there is a specialty Asian store and a specialty liquor store near you.



15g Black sesame powder

220ml semi-skim milk or soymilk

50ml Frangelico or other hazelnut liqueur

3-4 dashes Plum Bitters 

Granulated sugar for rim

Combine sesame powder and milk in a pan on the stove over low heat. Whisk until powder dissolves and milk turns the desired grey colour. Transfer the mixture to a different container and put in the fridge to cool down.

While that’s cooling rim your glass with sugar. Coarse sugar is recommend as it adds a nice crunch and crystal look to the drink. 

Once cooled combine mixture with frangelico and bitters and shake well with ice. Double strain into the glass. 

Garnish with mint leaf and little umbrella. Big thanks to Kim-Joy for inspiring this cocktail with her Toroto cosplay she rocked last weekend.




A doctor made it his regular habit to stop off at a bar for a hazelnut daiquiri on his way home. The bartender knew the doctor’s habit and would always have a drink waiting. But one day the bartender ran out of hazelnut extract, so he substituted hickory nuts. When the doctor arrived, he took a sip and exclaimed, “This isn’t a hazelnut daiquiri!”

“No, I’m sorry,” the bartender replied. “It’s a hickory daiquiri, doc.”

Coyote Tango – A Pacific Rim Cocktail

Fair warning: this is the strangest cocktail I’ve ever made. The concept came from a coffee shop I frequented in London when I was interning for the BBC. Curator’s Coffee does a unique creation every so often. The month I was there they were making an espresso punch with mint and strawberries. It sounded terrible but I was proven so wrong. By pairing a fruity espresso with strawberry and mint the results were delicious and odd.

Summer Espresso Punch Photo by Curator's Coffee

Summer Espresso Punch Photo by Curator’s Coffee

I tried to recreate this with my cocktail. And the results were pretty good. The basic composition of the punch was similar to a mojito so I decided to try using rum. Captain being all I had in the house I thought I’d give it a go.


For coffee I used Pact Finca Manila prepared using a moka pot.

The result was interesting. Herbal and refreshing (both KJ and myself immediately thought Coke on the first sip) on the palate with a distinct tart bite from the strawberries and coffee.

Also, the name was just sort of thrown on here because I’m feeling excited about my Pacific Rim rewatch last week.

4 Strawberries, hulled and chopped.
100ml strong coffee prepared with 3 tspn sugar and cooled. I recommend a coffee with red berry, citrus or pomme flavour notes.
8 mint leaves
50ml spiced rum.
Soda water

Combine strawberries and mint in a mixing tin and muddle. Mix in rum and coffee and fill tin with ice. Shake well and double strain into pint glass full of ice. Top with soda water and stir slowly to combine.


Child of Light (and Refreshing) Strawberry-Lavender Shandy

The brutal reign of summer continues for another month or so, so we’re going to depart from the booziness of my last cocktail for a low-alcohol refreshing drink. I present the Child of Light. 


This refreshing cocktail is based on a couple different sources of inspiration. Those familiar with Ben and Jerry’s ice cream may have come across the Liz Lemon-flavour of Greek yogurt, though I’m pretty sure it is only available in the US. 

The Liz Lemon yogurt is a blend of Lavender, blueberry and lemon. The flavours work well together, but primarily all you taste is sugar and blueberry. There’s a slight tartness from the lemon, but I’m pretty sure all of the floral taste I got was in my head.

But nonetheless it got me thinking about how to incorporate lavender into a cocktail. Then it hit me: Shandy (or Radler). Basically, a 1:1 blend of lightish beer with lemonade. This isn’t English lemonade by the way (what I would just call lemon soda) this is a blend of fresh lemon juice and water.

Child of Light by the way, is a fantastic game that KJ is hooked on at the moment. And since you play as the ginger protagonist I thought I’d make a ginger cocktail that’s a light red colour. 


Aurora from Child of Light                  Source:

This recipe will make a pitcher of shandy. I’m going to use Titanic Brewery Golden Ale but you can use whatever you like as long as it’s light in colour and not too hoppy. Wheat beers work well with the fruity flavour, but the result will not technically be a shandy. 


Recipe (adapted from this and this)

100ml Fresh Lemon Juice (Juice from about 3 lemons)

300g Fresh strawberries, hulled and cut in half

400ml Water or Soda Water

200ml Ginger/Lavender simple syrup

500ml Lager or Ale of your choice

Chop up the strawberries and mash in a bowl. Strain them with a fine mesh strainer. The resulting juice should be be about 100ml. Combine ingredients except for water. Pour into pitcher and stir with water or soda water until fully combined. 

Your results should be about 800ml of fluid. Pour into pitcher and slowly pour in beer while stirring. It may start to foam up a lot at the point. Let it settle and then keep stirring. Pour into beer glasses and serve. 

For the Simple Syrup

100g Fresh ginger, chopped

3 tbps of Dried Lavender

2  tbsp lemon zest

200g caster sugar

250ml water

Bring water to a boil, combine with other ingredients. Stir until sugar fully dissolves. Remove from heat and let fully cool. Strain and bottle. Will keep in airtight container for up to a month.


Why are strawberries such good musicians?

Because they’re always jammin’