
Huff and Puff: Smoked Stout Cocktail

In my continuing struggle to come up with interesting cocktails I try to come up with some weird stuff. Those who have been reading for a while now know that I love beer and frankly I’d like to see it used for as a cocktail ingredient beyond your typical lager and whisky Depth Charge. Thus I present the Huff and Puff, a smokey cocktail inspired by Bigby Wolf of the Fables series.


It may look simple but its complex flavour and strong alcohol content will knock you back. I got the idea from the horrific Nicotini idea. My idea was to start with the idea of cigarette, of which Bigby consumes thousands, and try to make something smokey but tasty. The result is a mix of cold-brew lapsang souchong, a type of Chinese black tea tried over pinewood fires to get a nice smokey flavour, stout or porter, and bourbon.



25ml Bourbon

35ml Cold-brew lapsang souchong black tea. Prepare this by putting one teabag is 300ml of water and let it steep for 2 hours.

330ml Stout, higher alcohol stouts or porters work best. Try to avoid smoked porter as it will overpower the flavour. I used Summer Wine’s Padrino Imperial Affogato Stout, which is sweet and nutty with a 9% ABV.

What do you call a lumberjack wolf?

A timber wolf!

The Rose Baron: Bourbon Caraway Cocktail

I’m a pretty terrible geek. I’ve seen a lot of anime, but I haven’t really seen most of the Studio Ghibli’s films. KJ has though, and not being one to rewatch films often we’ve been making our way through some of the lesser known ones. Of these our favourite is The Cat Returns. Primarily for the suave cat protagonist Baron Humbert von Gikkingen. Also after watching a lot of Studio Ghibli I’m pretty sure Miyazaki is directly responsible for at least half of the Furries in our current generation.

I wanted to create a cocktail that mimicked the classy aura that the Baron exudes. So I started with my favourite liquor, Bourbon. I used Four Roses for it’s smoothness and also for it’s rye content. Because what goes with Rye? If you follow KJ at Need to Knead you’ll know that Caraway seeds are essential for a nice rye bread. So for my rye cocktail I made a caraway and lemon simple syrup. For some reason the Baron reminded me of a cat version of Tuxedo Mask from Salior Moon, so I thought I’d stick with the rose theme and add in a bit of rose water. The result is a sweet and flowery cocktail with a pleasant bourbon punch.


50ml High rye bourbon or rye whiskey

15ml Lemon Caraway simple syrup (recipe below)

1 Squeeze of lemon

4 dashes rose water

Combine ingredients in cocktail shaker with ice, shake and double strain into rocks glass.

Lemon-Caraway Simple Syrup

2 Tablespoons caraway seeds

1 teaspoon lemon peel

90g caster sugar

100ml water.

Bring water to a boil and combine with ingredients. Stir until sugar has dissolved then remove from heat. After it cools to room temperature strain and put into a clean bottle. It will keep in the fridge for about 2 weeks.

IMG_9410Why was the sad cat in a hurry?

He was a Russian Blue.

An ode to widely available craft beer

After a certain point of drinking craft beer you get to the point where you can become easily frustrated by seeing the same draught beers everywhere you go. What I’m saying is that at some point we all become this guy

Source: The Onion

Source: The Onion

Once you’ve reached that point there’s a few rules of etiquette that I force on myself.

1. Never turn down a beer offered to you and then go buy your own. You drink yours what is offered to you and then buy the next round.

2. Never complain to the bar staff about their beer selection. You know as well as I do they have no control over what’s on offer.

3. Find your staples. Certain great beers will be available almost everywhere in a region. Learn what they are if you plan on being in one place for a while.

These are usually very good beers that come from great breweries, but for whatever reason their more interesting stuff doesn’t have the same commercial appeal. Here’s just a few of my favourites.

Sam Adams Boston Lager




Everyone knows Sam Adams at this point. The Boston-based brewery distributes across the world and as such you can find it pretty much everywhere in England and New England. The flagship lager packs a ton more flavour than most “lagers” you’ll find. But where this company really shines is in their Brewmaster Collection, here’s my favourite.



Lattitude 48 is an IPA hopped only with hops grown on the 48th lattitude. It’s a well balanced and interesting IPA. You won’t find it in the UK at all but if you’re in the States I highly recommend seeing what this brewery is truly capable of.


Quick note: Most places where Sam Adams is available you’re likely to find Brooklyn Brewery’s Brooklyn Lager as well. It’s a fantastic malty little number and if you like Sam Adams but find it too hoppy I’d suggest Brooklyn.

Also, they make one of my favourite beers of all time, Black Chocolate Stout.



It’s a 10% ABV punch in the mouth. It’s available in the UK but it’s harder to find. It’s usually around more at Christmas time.

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale



Oh, Sierra Nevada makes me so happy. Out of this list their signature brew is my least favourite, but they distribute their other brews widely in the UK. Of those one you must try and will very likely be able to find (if you’re in Leeds try Tapped or Brewery Tap) is the Torpedo Extra IPA, a strong and bitter IPA that I can’t get enough of.



Brewdog Punk IPA



If you’re from or living in Britain then chances are you know of Brewdog already and have definitely tried the Punk IPA. Punk IPA is my favourite on this list, it has an unapologeticly hoppy taste with a strong alcohol kick. It’s available almost everywhere and you can even get it from Sainsbury’s. Punk IPA gets top honours because it has the best flavour and is the most ubiquitous UK craft beer.  Also many cities in Britain have a Brewdog bar. But like all beers on this list, Brewdog doesn’t stop coming up with great stuff just because their flagship is so popular.



Meet the Clown King: a knock-you-out-drag-you-around Barley Wine. At a whopping 12% this is definitely a one of the best beers I’ve ever had.

Also, one of the best things about Brewdog is you can buy directly from their site.


Child of Light (and Refreshing) Strawberry-Lavender Shandy

The brutal reign of summer continues for another month or so, so we’re going to depart from the booziness of my last cocktail for a low-alcohol refreshing drink. I present the Child of Light. 


This refreshing cocktail is based on a couple different sources of inspiration. Those familiar with Ben and Jerry’s ice cream may have come across the Liz Lemon-flavour of Greek yogurt, though I’m pretty sure it is only available in the US. 

The Liz Lemon yogurt is a blend of Lavender, blueberry and lemon. The flavours work well together, but primarily all you taste is sugar and blueberry. There’s a slight tartness from the lemon, but I’m pretty sure all of the floral taste I got was in my head.

But nonetheless it got me thinking about how to incorporate lavender into a cocktail. Then it hit me: Shandy (or Radler). Basically, a 1:1 blend of lightish beer with lemonade. This isn’t English lemonade by the way (what I would just call lemon soda) this is a blend of fresh lemon juice and water.

Child of Light by the way, is a fantastic game that KJ is hooked on at the moment. And since you play as the ginger protagonist I thought I’d make a ginger cocktail that’s a light red colour. 


Aurora from Child of Light                  Source:

This recipe will make a pitcher of shandy. I’m going to use Titanic Brewery Golden Ale but you can use whatever you like as long as it’s light in colour and not too hoppy. Wheat beers work well with the fruity flavour, but the result will not technically be a shandy. 


Recipe (adapted from this and this)

100ml Fresh Lemon Juice (Juice from about 3 lemons)

300g Fresh strawberries, hulled and cut in half

400ml Water or Soda Water

200ml Ginger/Lavender simple syrup

500ml Lager or Ale of your choice

Chop up the strawberries and mash in a bowl. Strain them with a fine mesh strainer. The resulting juice should be be about 100ml. Combine ingredients except for water. Pour into pitcher and stir with water or soda water until fully combined. 

Your results should be about 800ml of fluid. Pour into pitcher and slowly pour in beer while stirring. It may start to foam up a lot at the point. Let it settle and then keep stirring. Pour into beer glasses and serve. 

For the Simple Syrup

100g Fresh ginger, chopped

3 tbps of Dried Lavender

2  tbsp lemon zest

200g caster sugar

250ml water

Bring water to a boil, combine with other ingredients. Stir until sugar fully dissolves. Remove from heat and let fully cool. Strain and bottle. Will keep in airtight container for up to a month.


Why are strawberries such good musicians?

Because they’re always jammin’ 

Bar Profile: Fab Cafe

Fab Cafe is a bar located in the Leeds City Centre that caters to the geek and goth crowds. It’s not much to look at from the outside, in fact you’d likely miss it if it wasn’t for the large sign jutting out into the pavement.

It bills itself as the “first movie and TV themed bar,” and it is fairly impressive. There’s a great collection of geeky games available to play, including the Star Wars arcade game I wasted my youth (and my quarters) on.

Fab keeps with the geeky aesthetic throughout. In addition to the aforementioned games the walls are decorated with lots of neat comics, film and television memorabilia including full-size Daleks and Xenomorphs. You’ll also find some niche stuff in mint condition behind the glass cases that most of the memorabilia is behind, including the titular hero of the cult Toxic Avenger series.

The music they play is generally good as well, skirting the line between legitimately good, nostalgic, and ironic. I’ve definitely heard Arcade Fire, Blink-182 and Vanilla Ice in the same evening there.

They often host films on their televisions throughout the bar. Recently their Manchester location has been screening Firefly, which is a nice touch.

Part of what I really like about Fab is their marketing. Fridays are Stir fry-days and are Archer themed.

Overall, atmosphere is welcoming and non-pretentious and their drink and snack selection reflects that. Snacks range from sweets to crisps, but they have meals such as sarnies and fish fingers. If you’re a beer drinker you’ll have to settle for an imported lager or a Guinness if you prefer keg beers, they have a couple of real ales available. But they often seem to run out fairly quickly. On top of the draughts, they have ciders, bottles beers, and your standard alcopops. Cocktails are a bit more where they shine, a big selection of spirits and talented bartenders make it so that you can get almost anything you’d like.

Where it gets a bit rough is the price. You’re buying standard cheap beers and ciders, but you’re paying for the atmosphere. Fab Cafe is definitely a place to visit, but it’s very polarizing. You’ll likely have a blast there, but with evening cover charges, average booze, and high prices it might not become your new favourite hangout.

Cuppa Joy


The Cuppa Joy is a sweet and boozy cocktail that’s delightfully British. The name comes from my girlfriend Kim-Joy of NeedToKnead, who made the teabag shaped biscuits you see in the later pictures. It’s also her teapot. This week I’ve decided to continue with my love of infusing simple syrups. Last week we explored using fresh herbs as the flavouring agent in the simple syrup, but now we’re going to try something dried. The Cuppa Joy is a martini-style drink made from gin, lemon juice, and Earl Grey-infused simple syrup with a beautiful reddish-brown colour, fragrant nose, sweet taste and bitter finish.

Last week I suggested using a mid-range gin like Bombay Sapphire, which you can still use for this cocktail. Or you can try using some of the 5 quid stuff I bought for a party. But this cocktail is all about the gin, and the quality of your creation is directly tied to the caliber of gin you use. I recommend an upmarket gin such as Hendricks if you prefer a more earthy-vegetable taste in your martinis, or Masons if you prefer a clean yet herbal flavour.



50ml Gin

30ml Earl Grey-infused simple syrup (recipe below)

10ml lemon juice

Length of orange peel for garnish

Combine ingredients with ice in a transparent glass. Stir with a long spoon and the ice will begin to melt. Once the volume of the liquid has about doubled (this will mellow out the boozy-ness). Strain into chilled martini glass or tea cup if you prefer. Remove the peel from the orange with a vegetable peeler and twist it above the drink. You will likely see a tiny spritz come off of the peel, that’s orange oil and it’s super flavourful and aromatic. Drop the peel into the drink and serve.

Earl Grey infused simple syrup

50g white sugar

150ml water

1 teabag of Earl Grey

Bring the water to the boil, combine sugar and tea bag. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and let cool. Once it’s cool, remove the teabag, give it another stir and bottle. It will last for one month in an airtight container.

How do Americans make their tea?

They throw it in the harbour.

Dear God, Why?: 5 innovative vodka flavours

On this blog one of the things I strive for is innovation. I try to do cocktails that haven’t been done before, or if they have I try to put a little spin on them. What makes my job easier is when spirit manufacturers decide that they’ve had enough citron vodka and honey whisky and decide to do something strange.  Some of these flavours are delicious and their creators deserve a pat on the back, while others are gimicky and really only drinkable when drowned in mixers. That being said I am a huge proponent of the “throw it against a wall and see what sticks” philosophy when it comes to this.   1. Bakon Vodka

Let’s just get it out of the way. Holy dang, there’s bacon vodka! Bakon is, like most bacon-flavoured things, vegan. You’re not secretly screwing up your vegetarian friend’s diet by slipping this into their bloody mary. Even if I ate bacon, I would boycott this monstrosity on the sheer principle that bacon has somehow managed to slip into every aspect of our lives. Weird trendiness aside, reviews for the product aren’t terrible  and at least the serving suggestions are primarily bloody mary focused, which is already a savory cocktail.  But they also recommend trying it in a chocolate cocktail, which gives them points for creativity but makes me shudder.

2.  Crop Cucumber, Meyer Lemon and Tomato Vodkas

Crop Harvest Earth Organic is actually a pretty cool company that uses organic ingredients in their products. The “artisinal flavour” is a bit of a gimmick. It’s just their unflavoured vodka. Of these flavours though I’ve had the opportunity to try the cucumber and tomato vodkas. If you read my previous post you know that I love my cucumber cocktails, and Crop’s veggie-infused vodkas did not disappoint. It was suggested that I try the tomato one in a bloody mary, but that seemed like a waste to me. So I had them both straight up, and then served with ice and soda water.

 3. Vodquila

Vodquila is the answer to a question nobody asked. As the portmanteau suggests it is a blend a vodka and tequila. Best served as cold as humanly possible to dull your tastebuds.  In short, Vodquila is a pointless amalgamation destined to be the highlight of every 2-4-1 night at your local creepy club with unisex toilets.   Vodquila is the laziest entry on this list, it’s not trendy, it’s not creative, it’s just different.

4. Oddka Wasabi

Oddka appeals to me because of their shear dedication to the strange. And because this is not a post about the tastiest vodkas but the most innovative. I would like to talk about how much I appreciate their strangeness. As far as the quality of the base spirit, Oddka but like I said this is about creativity. 

It’s difficult to find a complete list of Oddka flavours, but this is what I was able to put together.

Twisted Melon

Peach Bellini

Fresh Cut Grass

Salty Caramel Popcorn

Electricity (Some sort of grape thing)

Apple Pie


Some of the flavours make sense, such as Apple Pie, others are just variations on other popular flavours such as melon and peach. Salty Caramel Popcorn is jumping on the salted caramel trend that’s not quite as annoying the previously mentioned bacon trend, but there is some real interesting stuff here. Fresh Cut Grass is basically Bison Grass vodka, but still I’m a huge fan of the fresh and earthy flavours you find in grass vodka (probably because it reminds me so much of gin). I haven’t tried Electricity and the descriptions of its taste are varied, everyone agrees it’s some sort of grape flavour, but some claim that they can taste spice and copper tones in the flavour. 

The real originality of Oddka is in their wasabi flavour. Now, adding spice to spirits is nothing new. Absolut has their Peppar vodka (green capsicums, chili and jalapeno) and New Orleans (black pepper and mango) both of which are delicious, and Southern Comfort has that Tabasco travesty. But Anyone familiar with spicy flavours knows there’s a distinct difference   between the capsaicin heat present in hot peppers and the mustard oil (allyl isothiocyanate) flavour you find in mustard, horserarish and wasabi. 

Other than the brand Indio, a small-batch company in Oregon, Oddka is the only company to make and distribute a mustard oil based vodka. There are no horseradish vodkas available, and other and Indio, no company makes wasabi vodka. 

The obvious choice is to throw it into a bloody mary, but I’d say that’s a waste. Like putting the tomato vodka in one.  Instead I’d suggest playing up the wasabi flavour, maybe try blending it with ginger flavours, or maybe even some soy sauce. I’m going to try to get my hands on some and I’ll post a cocktail once I’ve got one.

5. Three Olives Dude


I’ll make this brief. I gave this the top spot on the list because it is the most innovative flavour of vodka I’ve ever seen. If you can’t tell it’s Mountain Dew-flavoured. They call it lemon-lime, but it’s Mountain Dew. 

That said, I hate everything about Dude-flavoured vodka. The taste makes me gag, the colour is super offputting and the marketing surrounding it is insufferable. These are some of the cocktails on their website. Put bluntly: they are stupid. The Dude-O-Politan: A Cosmo made with Dude, plain and simple, made so that you and your brahs don’t have to worry about getting cooties or something from drinking a cocktail. The Surf’s Up: Dude, Kraken, and lemon-lime soda, so vodka, rum and more Mountain Dew. Cool. Finally, there’s the groan-inducing Bromance. A shot of Dude (ew) dropped into lager. I have no idea who these are supposed to appeal to, and don’t any of them were treated before they were put up on the website. Frankly, I’m surprised they didn’t use crushed Doritos rim in any of these

Auron’s Cucumber Cooler


For my first cocktail I decided to tweak an old favourite of mine. It’s a blend of gin, lime, basil and cucumber. This is pretty much the ultimate summer cocktail as it’s refreshing and extremely versatile. It’s more of a spritzer than a cooler, but I like alliteration. The name comes from Final Fantasy X’s Auron who always sort of remains calm in high pressure situations. It might seem like a stretch, but since his character is sort of a Kurosawa-esque samurai I should probably make a version of this with sake.

This cocktail is best with a mid-range gin, since the other ingredients will mask any bluntness in mediocre gin, but will also make the subtleties in a really nice gin go unnoticed. I recommend Bombay Sapphire, at 15 pounds it’s not too expensive and the slightly higher sweetness of Bombay blends nicely into the flavour. I used Whatever I Found in the Liquor Cabinet brand gin.

The reason I called the cocktail versatile is because you can make lots of little changes to suit your palate. This just happens to be the way I prefer it. You can substitute vodka for gin, though I’d recommend increasing the simple syrup ratio to compensate for the loss of sweetness. You can use rosemary instead of basil for your simple syrup.  Soda water can be swapped out for tonic water or left out entirely and served straight up if you’re anything like the guests at my barbecue.




50ml Gin

20ml Basil Simple Syrup (Recipe below)

25ml Cucumber Essence (Recipe below)

10ml Fresh lime juice

Soda water or tonic water to top

Sprig of basil to garnish

Combine all ingredients except for soda and sprig in shaker. This is a dry shake so don’t use any ice. Strain contents over a short class full of ice, top with soda or tonic. Give it one final stir with the sprig of basil to make sure it is fully combined.

Basil Simple Syrup

50g white sugar

120ml water

10-15 fresh basil leaves

Bring water to a boil and stir in sugar and basil leaves. Once the sugar dissolves remove from the heat and let  cool. Once it’s cool strain the basil leaves out and the syrup is finished. It will keep in an airtight bottle for about a month.

Cucumber Essence

1/2 English cucumber

150ml water

Peel half an English cucumber and cut into chunks. Put into blender with the water. Blend until the cucumber is fully pulped. Strain the liquid into a container and discard the pulp. The essence will last for a couple of days in the fridge.

I was going to end every post with a joke. But I’m skipping the first week because every cucumber related joke I found was disgusting,