Month: August 2014

The Neighborhood – Studio Ghibli Cocktail

This was a really fun cocktail to make. It was the first time I started with a theme and worked back to the ingredients. Here’s The Neighborhood, based on My Neighbor Totoro.



Despite being a milk or soymilk if you prefer, based cocktail the Neighborhood is surprisingly light, this is mostly due to the low-alcohol nature of the cocktail. It’s mostly a nutty flavour with a bit of creaminess from the milk and a small fruity aftertaste.  I’ll explain a bit about the process.

I chose a wine glass to capture the rounded shape of Totoro’s body seen below.

The trickiest part of the cocktail was recreating Totoro’s signature greyish colour. I considered a few different ingredients, from black food colouring to Kristoff Black. But I wanted to avoid artificial colours since what’s the point. I could have just coloured anything grey and then called it a day. 

I ended up choosing black sesame powder, though based on some issues that I encountered I would recommend using black sesame paste in the future or superfine black sesame powder since as you see from the picture there was a fair amount of sediment at the bottom of the cocktail.

Since in the film part of Totoro’s character is giving nuts and seeds as gifts and his whole nature collection I thought a nutty/fruity cocktail was best.



Some of the ingredients may be a bit difficult for you to get your hands on. I recommend seeing if there is a specialty Asian store and a specialty liquor store near you.



15g Black sesame powder

220ml semi-skim milk or soymilk

50ml Frangelico or other hazelnut liqueur

3-4 dashes Plum Bitters 

Granulated sugar for rim

Combine sesame powder and milk in a pan on the stove over low heat. Whisk until powder dissolves and milk turns the desired grey colour. Transfer the mixture to a different container and put in the fridge to cool down.

While that’s cooling rim your glass with sugar. Coarse sugar is recommend as it adds a nice crunch and crystal look to the drink. 

Once cooled combine mixture with frangelico and bitters and shake well with ice. Double strain into the glass. 

Garnish with mint leaf and little umbrella. Big thanks to Kim-Joy for inspiring this cocktail with her Toroto cosplay she rocked last weekend.




A doctor made it his regular habit to stop off at a bar for a hazelnut daiquiri on his way home. The bartender knew the doctor’s habit and would always have a drink waiting. But one day the bartender ran out of hazelnut extract, so he substituted hickory nuts. When the doctor arrived, he took a sip and exclaimed, “This isn’t a hazelnut daiquiri!”

“No, I’m sorry,” the bartender replied. “It’s a hickory daiquiri, doc.”

Coyote Tango – A Pacific Rim Cocktail

Fair warning: this is the strangest cocktail I’ve ever made. The concept came from a coffee shop I frequented in London when I was interning for the BBC. Curator’s Coffee does a unique creation every so often. The month I was there they were making an espresso punch with mint and strawberries. It sounded terrible but I was proven so wrong. By pairing a fruity espresso with strawberry and mint the results were delicious and odd.

Summer Espresso Punch Photo by Curator's Coffee

Summer Espresso Punch Photo by Curator’s Coffee

I tried to recreate this with my cocktail. And the results were pretty good. The basic composition of the punch was similar to a mojito so I decided to try using rum. Captain being all I had in the house I thought I’d give it a go.


For coffee I used Pact Finca Manila prepared using a moka pot.

The result was interesting. Herbal and refreshing (both KJ and myself immediately thought Coke on the first sip) on the palate with a distinct tart bite from the strawberries and coffee.

Also, the name was just sort of thrown on here because I’m feeling excited about my Pacific Rim rewatch last week.

4 Strawberries, hulled and chopped.
100ml strong coffee prepared with 3 tspn sugar and cooled. I recommend a coffee with red berry, citrus or pomme flavour notes.
8 mint leaves
50ml spiced rum.
Soda water

Combine strawberries and mint in a mixing tin and muddle. Mix in rum and coffee and fill tin with ice. Shake well and double strain into pint glass full of ice. Top with soda water and stir slowly to combine.


Mocktail: Rocket and Groot Iced Tea

Guardians of the Galaxy is finally out and to celebrate I’ve whipped up my first mocktail. It doesn’t require a lot of mixing, but it will require some specialty ingredients. It’s a cold-brewed iced green tea infused with whole dried hops. 


I’ve wanted to incorporate hops into a non-alcoholic drink for a while, since there’s some evidence that hops have relaxation properties. Also the flavour range on hops is incredible. Hops can add flavours from floral (crystal hops), to citrus (centennial), piney (simcoe), and even cannabis (Zeus).

 The drink takes its name from Rocket, a racoon-like creature and the heavy weapons specialist in the film and his friend and bodyguard Groot, a walking/talking tree. In honour of Rocket’s lose of guns, I used gunpowder green tea (I’m not sure which kind specifically, but it’s at least gunpowder style) and for the Flora colossus himself hop flowers.



This is an interesting mocktail with a complex flavour that’s simple to make and cures that hop craving without having crack open a beer. The final flavour is light and slightly citrusy without bitterness.

 In the picture above it’s only been brewing for about 15 minutes, so the colour isn’t very dark yet. The finished picture is under the recipe.


1.5 Tablespoons gunpowder green tea

6-8 dried hop flowers

Combine in pitcher and fill with cool water. Allow to brew for 2.5 hours. Strain and pour into glass with ice. Serve with lemon (optional).


What type of dinosaur was the most relaxed?

The Tea-Rex

An ode to widely available craft beer

After a certain point of drinking craft beer you get to the point where you can become easily frustrated by seeing the same draught beers everywhere you go. What I’m saying is that at some point we all become this guy

Source: The Onion

Source: The Onion

Once you’ve reached that point there’s a few rules of etiquette that I force on myself.

1. Never turn down a beer offered to you and then go buy your own. You drink yours what is offered to you and then buy the next round.

2. Never complain to the bar staff about their beer selection. You know as well as I do they have no control over what’s on offer.

3. Find your staples. Certain great beers will be available almost everywhere in a region. Learn what they are if you plan on being in one place for a while.

These are usually very good beers that come from great breweries, but for whatever reason their more interesting stuff doesn’t have the same commercial appeal. Here’s just a few of my favourites.

Sam Adams Boston Lager




Everyone knows Sam Adams at this point. The Boston-based brewery distributes across the world and as such you can find it pretty much everywhere in England and New England. The flagship lager packs a ton more flavour than most “lagers” you’ll find. But where this company really shines is in their Brewmaster Collection, here’s my favourite.



Lattitude 48 is an IPA hopped only with hops grown on the 48th lattitude. It’s a well balanced and interesting IPA. You won’t find it in the UK at all but if you’re in the States I highly recommend seeing what this brewery is truly capable of.


Quick note: Most places where Sam Adams is available you’re likely to find Brooklyn Brewery’s Brooklyn Lager as well. It’s a fantastic malty little number and if you like Sam Adams but find it too hoppy I’d suggest Brooklyn.

Also, they make one of my favourite beers of all time, Black Chocolate Stout.



It’s a 10% ABV punch in the mouth. It’s available in the UK but it’s harder to find. It’s usually around more at Christmas time.

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale



Oh, Sierra Nevada makes me so happy. Out of this list their signature brew is my least favourite, but they distribute their other brews widely in the UK. Of those one you must try and will very likely be able to find (if you’re in Leeds try Tapped or Brewery Tap) is the Torpedo Extra IPA, a strong and bitter IPA that I can’t get enough of.



Brewdog Punk IPA



If you’re from or living in Britain then chances are you know of Brewdog already and have definitely tried the Punk IPA. Punk IPA is my favourite on this list, it has an unapologeticly hoppy taste with a strong alcohol kick. It’s available almost everywhere and you can even get it from Sainsbury’s. Punk IPA gets top honours because it has the best flavour and is the most ubiquitous UK craft beer.  Also many cities in Britain have a Brewdog bar. But like all beers on this list, Brewdog doesn’t stop coming up with great stuff just because their flagship is so popular.



Meet the Clown King: a knock-you-out-drag-you-around Barley Wine. At a whopping 12% this is definitely a one of the best beers I’ve ever had.

Also, one of the best things about Brewdog is you can buy directly from their site.